in package
HEXONET ResponseTranslator
Table of Contents
- $descriptionRegexMap : array<string|int, mixed>
- hidden class var of API description regex mappings for translation
- translate() : string
- translate a raw api response
- findMatch() : bool
- Finds a match in the given text and performs replacements based on patterns and placeholders.
hidden class var of API description regex mappings for translation
static array<string|int, mixed>
= [
// HX
"Authorization failed; Operation forbidden by ACL" => "Authorization failed; Used Command `{COMMAND}` not white-listed by your Access Control List",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (clientTransferProhibited)/WRONG AUTH" => "This Domain is locked and the given Authorization Code is wrong. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (clientTransferProhibited)" => "This Domain is locked. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (requested)" => "Registration of this Domain Name has not yet completed. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (requestedcreate)" => "Registration of this Domain Name has not yet completed. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (requesteddelete)" => "Deletion of this Domain Name has been requested. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY STATUS (pendingdelete)" => "Deletion of this Domain Name is pending. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY WRONG AUTH" => "The given Authorization Code is wrong. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Request is not available; DOMAIN TRANSFER IS PROHIBITED BY AGE OF THE DOMAIN" => "This Domain Name is within 60 days of initial registration. Initiating a Transfer is therefore impossible.",
"Attribute value is not unique; DOMAIN is already assigned to your account" => "You cannot transfer a domain that is already on your account at the registrar's system.",
// CNR
"Missing required attribute; premium domain name. please provide required parameters" => "Confirm the Premium pricing by providing the necessary premium domain price data.",
"SkipPregQuote" => [
// HX
"Invalid attribute value syntax; resource record \\[(.+)\\]" => "Invalid Syntax for DNSZone Resource Record: \$1",
"Missing required attribute; CLASS(?:=| \\[MUST BE )PREMIUM_([\\w\\+]+)[\\s\\]]" => "Confirm the Premium pricing by providing the parameter CLASS with the value PREMIUM_\$1.",
"Syntax error in Parameter DOMAIN \\((.+)\\)" => "The Domain Name \$1 is invalid.",
translate a raw api response
static translate(string $raw, array<string|int, string> $cmd[, array<string|int, string> $ph = [] ]) : string
- $raw : string
API raw response
- $cmd : array<string|int, string>
requested API command
- $ph : array<string|int, string> = []
list of place holder vars
Return values
Finds a match in the given text and performs replacements based on patterns and placeholders.
static findMatch(string $regex, string &$newraw, string $val, array<string|int, string> $cmd, array<string|int, string> $ph) : bool
This function searches for a specified regular expression pattern in the provided text and performs replacements based on the matched pattern, command data, and placeholder values.
- $regex : string
The regular expression pattern to search for.
- $newraw : string
The input text where the match will be searched for and replacements applied.
- $val : string
The value to be used in replacement if a match is found.
- $cmd : array<string|int, string>
The command data containing replacements, if applicable.
- $ph : array<string|int, string>
An array of placeholder values for further replacements.