Module centralnicreseller.apiconnector.logger
centralnicreseller.apiconnector.logger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides all necessary functionality for debug outputs see the customlogger class on how to override this :copyright: © 2024 Team Internet Group PLC. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
class Logger
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class Logger(object): """ The Logger class covers all you need to cover debug outputs of the API communication. """ def log(self, post, r, error): """ output/log given data """ print(r.getCommandPlain()) print(post) if error: print("HTTP communication failed: %s" % (error), sys.stderr) print(r.getPlain())
The Logger class covers all you need to cover debug outputs of the API communication.
def log(self, post, r, error)
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def log(self, post, r, error): """ output/log given data """ print(r.getCommandPlain()) print(post) if error: print("HTTP communication failed: %s" % (error), sys.stderr) print(r.getPlain())
output/log given data