Module centralnicreseller.apiconnector.responsetemplatemanager

centralnicreseller.apiconnector.responsetemplatemanager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module covers all functionality to manage response templates. :copyright: © 2024 Team Internet Group PLC. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.


class ResponseTemplateManager
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class ResponseTemplateManager(object):
    The ResponseTemplateManager class covers all functionality required to manage
    Response Templates.

    # to keep the singleton instance
    __instance = None
    __templates = None

    def __new__(cls):
        if ResponseTemplateManager.__instance is None:
            ResponseTemplateManager.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
        rtm = ResponseTemplateManager.__instance

        ResponseTemplateManager.__templates = {
            "404": rtm.generateTemplate("421", "Page not found"),
            "500": rtm.generateTemplate("500", "Internal server error"),
            "empty": rtm.generateTemplate(
                "Empty API response. Probably unreachable API end point {CONNECTION_URL}",
            "error": rtm.generateTemplate(
                "421", "Command failed due to server error. Client should try again"
            "expired": rtm.generateTemplate("530", "SESSION NOT FOUND"),
            "httperror": rtm.generateTemplate(
                "421", "Command failed due to HTTP communication error"
            "invalid": rtm.generateTemplate(
                "423", "Invalid API response. Contact Support"
            "unauthorized": rtm.generateTemplate("500", "Unauthorized"),
            "notfound": rtm.generateTemplate("500", "Response Template not found"),
        return rtm

    def getInstance():
        Returns the singleton instance
        return ResponseTemplateManager()

    def generateTemplate(self, code, description):
        Returns a response template string for the given code and description
        return ("[RESPONSE]\r\nCODE={0}\r\nDESCRIPTION={1}\r\nEOF\r\n").format(
            code, description

    def addTemplate(self, id, plain):
        Add response template to template container
        self.__templates[id] = plain
        return self.__instance

    def getTemplate(self, id):
        Get response template instance from template container
        if self.hasTemplate(id):
            return RT(self.__templates[id])
        return RT(self.__templates["notfound"])

    def getTemplates(self):
        Return all available response templates
        tpls = {}
        for key in list(self.__templates.keys()):
            tpls[key] = RT(self.__templates[key])
        return tpls

    def hasTemplate(self, id):
        Check if given template exists in template container
        return id in self.__templates

    def isTemplateMatchHash(self, tpl2, id):
        Check if given API response hash matches a given template by code and description
        h = self.getTemplate(id).getHash()
        return (h["CODE"] == tpl2["CODE"]) and (h["DESCRIPTION"] == tpl2["DESCRIPTION"])

    def isTemplateMatchPlain(self, plain, id):
        Check if given API plain response matches a given template by code and description
        h = self.getTemplate(id).getHash()
        tpl2 = RP.parse(plain)
        return (h["CODE"] == tpl2["CODE"]) and (h["DESCRIPTION"] == tpl2["DESCRIPTION"])

The ResponseTemplateManager class covers all functionality required to manage Response Templates.

Static methods

def getInstance()
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def getInstance():
    Returns the singleton instance
    return ResponseTemplateManager()

Returns the singleton instance


def addTemplate(self, id, plain)
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def addTemplate(self, id, plain):
    Add response template to template container
    self.__templates[id] = plain
    return self.__instance

Add response template to template container

def generateTemplate(self, code, description)
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def generateTemplate(self, code, description):
    Returns a response template string for the given code and description
    return ("[RESPONSE]\r\nCODE={0}\r\nDESCRIPTION={1}\r\nEOF\r\n").format(
        code, description

Returns a response template string for the given code and description

def getTemplate(self, id)
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def getTemplate(self, id):
    Get response template instance from template container
    if self.hasTemplate(id):
        return RT(self.__templates[id])
    return RT(self.__templates["notfound"])

Get response template instance from template container

def getTemplates(self)
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def getTemplates(self):
    Return all available response templates
    tpls = {}
    for key in list(self.__templates.keys()):
        tpls[key] = RT(self.__templates[key])
    return tpls

Return all available response templates

def hasTemplate(self, id)
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def hasTemplate(self, id):
    Check if given template exists in template container
    return id in self.__templates

Check if given template exists in template container

def isTemplateMatchHash(self, tpl2, id)
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def isTemplateMatchHash(self, tpl2, id):
    Check if given API response hash matches a given template by code and description
    h = self.getTemplate(id).getHash()
    return (h["CODE"] == tpl2["CODE"]) and (h["DESCRIPTION"] == tpl2["DESCRIPTION"])

Check if given API response hash matches a given template by code and description

def isTemplateMatchPlain(self, plain, id)
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def isTemplateMatchPlain(self, plain, id):
    Check if given API plain response matches a given template by code and description
    h = self.getTemplate(id).getHash()
    tpl2 = RP.parse(plain)
    return (h["CODE"] == tpl2["CODE"]) and (h["DESCRIPTION"] == tpl2["DESCRIPTION"])

Check if given API plain response matches a given template by code and description