Module centralnicreseller.apiconnector.response
centralnicreseller.apiconnector.response ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module covers all necessary functionality to work with Backend API responses. :copyright: © 2024 Team Internet Group PLC. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
class Response (raw, cmd=None, cfg={})
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class Response(RT, object): """ The Response class covers all necessary functionality to cover access to Backend API response data in a useful way. """ def __init__(self, raw, cmd=None, cfg={}): super(Response, self).__init__(raw) if"\{[A-Z_]+\}", self._raw): for key, value in cfg.items(): self._raw = self._raw.replace("{%s}" % (key), value) self._raw = re.sub(r"\{[A-Z_]+\}", "", self._raw) super(Response, self).__init__(self._raw) # The API Command used within this request self.__command = cmd if (self.__command is not None) and ("PASSWORD" in self.__command): self.__command["PASSWORD"] = "***" # Column names available in this responsse. # NOTE: this includes also FIRST, LAST, LIMIT, COUNT, TOTAL # and maybe further specific columns in case of a list query self.__columnkeys = [] # Container of Column Instances self.__columns = [] # Record Index we currently point to in record list self.__recordIndex = 0 # Record List (List of rows) self.__records = [] h = self.getHash() if "PROPERTY" in h: colKeys = list(h["PROPERTY"].keys()) count = 0 for c in colKeys: d = h["PROPERTY"][c] self.addColumn(c, d) mylen = len(d) if mylen > count: count = mylen for i in range(count): d = {} for k in colKeys: col = self.getColumn(k) if col is not None: v = col.getDataByIndex(i) if v is not None: d[k] = v self.addRecord(d) def addColumn(self, key, data): """ Add a column to the column list """ col = Column(key, data) self.__columns.append(col) self.__columnkeys.append(key) return self def addRecord(self, h): """ Add a record to the record list """ self.__records.append(Record(h)) return self def getColumn(self, key): """ Get column by column name """ if self.__hasColumn(key): return self.__columns[self.__columnkeys.index(key)] return None def getColumnIndex(self, colkey, index): """ Get Data by Column Name and Index """ col = self.getColumn(colkey) return col.getDataByIndex(index) if (col is not None) else None def getColumnKeys(self): """ Get Column Names """ return self.__columnkeys def getColumns(self): """ Get List of Columns """ return self.__columns def getCommand(self): """ Get Command used in this request """ return self.__command def getCommandPlain(self): """ Get Command used in this request in plain text """ tmp = "" for key, val in self.__command.items(): tmp += "%s = %s\n" % (key, val) return tmp def getCurrentPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of current List Query """ first = self.getFirstRecordIndex() limit = self.getRecordsLimitation() if (first is not None) and (limit): return math.floor(first / limit) + 1 return None def getCurrentRecord(self): """ Get Record of current record index """ return ( self.__records[self.__recordIndex] if ( self.__hasCurrentRecord()) else None ) def getFirstRecordIndex(self): """ Get Index of first row in this response """ col = self.getColumn("FIRST") if col is not None: f = col.getDataByIndex(0) if f is not None: return int(f) if len(self.__records): return 0 return None def getLastRecordIndex(self): """ Get last record index of the current list query """ col = self.getColumn("LAST") if col is not None: data = col.getDataByIndex(0) if data is not None: return int(data) len = self.getRecordsCount() if len: return len - 1 return None def getListHash(self): """ Get Response as List Hash including useful meta data for tables """ lh = [] for rec in self.getRecords(): lh.append(rec.getData()) return { "LIST": lh, "meta": {"columns": self.getColumnKeys(), "pg": self.getPagination()}, } def getNextRecord(self): """ Get next record in record list """ if self.__hasNextRecord(): self.__recordIndex += 1 return self.__records[self.__recordIndex] return None def getNextPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of next list query """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return None page = cp + 1 pages = self.getNumberOfPages() return page if (page <= pages) else pages def getNumberOfPages(self): """ Get the number of pages available for this list query """ t = self.getRecordsTotalCount() limit = self.getRecordsLimitation() if t and limit: return math.ceil(t / self.getRecordsLimitation()) return 0 def getPagination(self): """ Get object containing all paging data """ return { "COUNT": self.getRecordsCount(), "CURRENTPAGE": self.getCurrentPageNumber(), "FIRST": self.getFirstRecordIndex(), "LAST": self.getLastRecordIndex(), "LIMIT": self.getRecordsLimitation(), "NEXTPAGE": self.getNextPageNumber(), "PAGES": self.getNumberOfPages(), "PREVIOUSPAGE": self.getPreviousPageNumber(), "TOTAL": self.getRecordsTotalCount(), } def getPreviousPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of previous list query """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is not None: cp = cp - 1 if cp: return cp return None def getPreviousRecord(self): """ Get previous record in record list """ if self.__hasPreviousRecord(): self.__recordIndex -= 1 return self.__records[self.__recordIndex] return None def getRecord(self, idx): """ Get Record at given index """ if idx >= 0 and len(self.__records) > idx: return self.__records[idx] return None def getRecords(self): """ Get all Records """ return self.__records def getRecordsCount(self): """ Get count of rows in this response """ return len(self.__records) def getRecordsTotalCount(self): """ Get total count of records available for the list query """ col = self.getColumn("TOTAL") if col is not None: t = col.getDataByIndex(0) if t is not None: return int(t) return self.getRecordsCount() def getRecordsLimitation(self): """ Get limit(ation) setting of the current list query """ col = self.getColumn("LIMIT") if col is not None: data = col.getDataByIndex(0) if data is not None: return int(data) return self.getRecordsCount() def hasNextPage(self): """ Check if this list query has a next page """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return False return (cp + 1) <= self.getNumberOfPages() def hasPreviousPage(self): """ Check if this list query has a previous page """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return False return (cp - 1) > 0 def rewindRecordList(self): """ Reset index in record list back to zero """ self.__recordIndex = 0 return self def __hasColumn(self, key): """ Check if column exists in response """ try: self.__columnkeys.index(key) except ValueError: return False return True def __hasCurrentRecord(self): """ Check if the record list contains a record for the current record index in use """ tlen = len(self.__records) return tlen > 0 and self.__recordIndex >= 0 and self.__recordIndex < tlen def __hasNextRecord(self): """ Check if the record list contains a next record for the current record index in use """ next = self.__recordIndex + 1 return self.__hasCurrentRecord() and (next < len(self.__records)) def __hasPreviousRecord(self): """ Check if the record list contains a previous record for the current record index in use """ return self.__recordIndex > 0 and self.__hasCurrentRecord() def isPending(self): """ Check if current operation is returned as pending """ # Check if the COMMAND is AddDomain (case-insensitive) cmd = self.getCommand() if cmd is None or not cmd.get("COMMAND") or cmd["COMMAND"].lower() != "adddomain": return False # Retrieve the STATUS column and check if its data equals REQUESTED (case-insensitive) status = self.getColumn("STATUS") if status: status_data = status.getDataByIndex(0) if status_data and status_data.lower() == "requested": return True return False
The Response class covers all necessary functionality to cover access to Backend API response data in a useful way.
def addColumn(self, key, data)
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def addColumn(self, key, data): """ Add a column to the column list """ col = Column(key, data) self.__columns.append(col) self.__columnkeys.append(key) return self
Add a column to the column list
def addRecord(self, h)
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def addRecord(self, h): """ Add a record to the record list """ self.__records.append(Record(h)) return self
Add a record to the record list
def getColumn(self, key)
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def getColumn(self, key): """ Get column by column name """ if self.__hasColumn(key): return self.__columns[self.__columnkeys.index(key)] return None
Get column by column name
def getColumnIndex(self, colkey, index)
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def getColumnIndex(self, colkey, index): """ Get Data by Column Name and Index """ col = self.getColumn(colkey) return col.getDataByIndex(index) if (col is not None) else None
Get Data by Column Name and Index
def getColumnKeys(self)
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def getColumnKeys(self): """ Get Column Names """ return self.__columnkeys
Get Column Names
def getColumns(self)
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def getColumns(self): """ Get List of Columns """ return self.__columns
Get List of Columns
def getCommand(self)
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def getCommand(self): """ Get Command used in this request """ return self.__command
Get Command used in this request
def getCommandPlain(self)
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def getCommandPlain(self): """ Get Command used in this request in plain text """ tmp = "" for key, val in self.__command.items(): tmp += "%s = %s\n" % (key, val) return tmp
Get Command used in this request in plain text
def getCurrentPageNumber(self)
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def getCurrentPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of current List Query """ first = self.getFirstRecordIndex() limit = self.getRecordsLimitation() if (first is not None) and (limit): return math.floor(first / limit) + 1 return None
Get Page Number of current List Query
def getCurrentRecord(self)
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def getCurrentRecord(self): """ Get Record of current record index """ return ( self.__records[self.__recordIndex] if ( self.__hasCurrentRecord()) else None )
Get Record of current record index
def getFirstRecordIndex(self)
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def getFirstRecordIndex(self): """ Get Index of first row in this response """ col = self.getColumn("FIRST") if col is not None: f = col.getDataByIndex(0) if f is not None: return int(f) if len(self.__records): return 0 return None
Get Index of first row in this response
def getLastRecordIndex(self)
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def getLastRecordIndex(self): """ Get last record index of the current list query """ col = self.getColumn("LAST") if col is not None: data = col.getDataByIndex(0) if data is not None: return int(data) len = self.getRecordsCount() if len: return len - 1 return None
Get last record index of the current list query
def getListHash(self)
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def getListHash(self): """ Get Response as List Hash including useful meta data for tables """ lh = [] for rec in self.getRecords(): lh.append(rec.getData()) return { "LIST": lh, "meta": {"columns": self.getColumnKeys(), "pg": self.getPagination()}, }
Get Response as List Hash including useful meta data for tables
def getNextPageNumber(self)
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def getNextPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of next list query """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return None page = cp + 1 pages = self.getNumberOfPages() return page if (page <= pages) else pages
Get Page Number of next list query
def getNextRecord(self)
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def getNextRecord(self): """ Get next record in record list """ if self.__hasNextRecord(): self.__recordIndex += 1 return self.__records[self.__recordIndex] return None
Get next record in record list
def getNumberOfPages(self)
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def getNumberOfPages(self): """ Get the number of pages available for this list query """ t = self.getRecordsTotalCount() limit = self.getRecordsLimitation() if t and limit: return math.ceil(t / self.getRecordsLimitation()) return 0
Get the number of pages available for this list query
def getPagination(self)
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def getPagination(self): """ Get object containing all paging data """ return { "COUNT": self.getRecordsCount(), "CURRENTPAGE": self.getCurrentPageNumber(), "FIRST": self.getFirstRecordIndex(), "LAST": self.getLastRecordIndex(), "LIMIT": self.getRecordsLimitation(), "NEXTPAGE": self.getNextPageNumber(), "PAGES": self.getNumberOfPages(), "PREVIOUSPAGE": self.getPreviousPageNumber(), "TOTAL": self.getRecordsTotalCount(), }
Get object containing all paging data
def getPreviousPageNumber(self)
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def getPreviousPageNumber(self): """ Get Page Number of previous list query """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is not None: cp = cp - 1 if cp: return cp return None
Get Page Number of previous list query
def getPreviousRecord(self)
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def getPreviousRecord(self): """ Get previous record in record list """ if self.__hasPreviousRecord(): self.__recordIndex -= 1 return self.__records[self.__recordIndex] return None
Get previous record in record list
def getRecord(self, idx)
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def getRecord(self, idx): """ Get Record at given index """ if idx >= 0 and len(self.__records) > idx: return self.__records[idx] return None
Get Record at given index
def getRecords(self)
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def getRecords(self): """ Get all Records """ return self.__records
Get all Records
def getRecordsCount(self)
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def getRecordsCount(self): """ Get count of rows in this response """ return len(self.__records)
Get count of rows in this response
def getRecordsLimitation(self)
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def getRecordsLimitation(self): """ Get limit(ation) setting of the current list query """ col = self.getColumn("LIMIT") if col is not None: data = col.getDataByIndex(0) if data is not None: return int(data) return self.getRecordsCount()
Get limit(ation) setting of the current list query
def getRecordsTotalCount(self)
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def getRecordsTotalCount(self): """ Get total count of records available for the list query """ col = self.getColumn("TOTAL") if col is not None: t = col.getDataByIndex(0) if t is not None: return int(t) return self.getRecordsCount()
Get total count of records available for the list query
def hasNextPage(self)
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def hasNextPage(self): """ Check if this list query has a next page """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return False return (cp + 1) <= self.getNumberOfPages()
Check if this list query has a next page
def hasPreviousPage(self)
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def hasPreviousPage(self): """ Check if this list query has a previous page """ cp = self.getCurrentPageNumber() if cp is None: return False return (cp - 1) > 0
Check if this list query has a previous page
def isPending(self)
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def isPending(self): """ Check if current operation is returned as pending """ # Check if the COMMAND is AddDomain (case-insensitive) cmd = self.getCommand() if cmd is None or not cmd.get("COMMAND") or cmd["COMMAND"].lower() != "adddomain": return False # Retrieve the STATUS column and check if its data equals REQUESTED (case-insensitive) status = self.getColumn("STATUS") if status: status_data = status.getDataByIndex(0) if status_data and status_data.lower() == "requested": return True return False
Check if current operation is returned as pending
def rewindRecordList(self)
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def rewindRecordList(self): """ Reset index in record list back to zero """ self.__recordIndex = 0 return self
Reset index in record list back to zero
Inherited members