Module centralnicreseller.apiconnector.responsetemplate

centralnicreseller.apiconnector.responsetemplate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module covers all basic functionality to deal with Backend API responses. :copyright: © 2024 Team Internet Group PLC. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.


class ResponseTemplate (response='')
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class ResponseTemplate(object):
    The ResponseTemplate class is the base class for the Response Class that
    covers basic functionality to work with Backend API responses.

    def __init__(self, response=""):
        #: Holds the response as plain text / string
        self._raw = response
        if (response == "") or (response is None):
            descr = "Empty API response. Probably unreachable API end point {CONNECTION_URL}"
            self._raw = "[RESPONSE]\r\nCODE=423\r\nDESCRIPTION=%s\r\nEOF\r\n" % (

        # try/except to support old versions of python (python2.5)
            if isinstance(self._raw, bytes):
                self._raw = self._raw.decode("utf-8")
        except UnicodeError:
            self._raw = self._raw.decode("latin1")
        except BaseException:
            self._raw = self._raw.decode("utf-8")

        if isinstance(response, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                'Type "dict" is not allowed for parameter "response". Use type "string" instead.'
            #: Holds the response as hash
            self.__hash = RP.parse(self._raw)

        if ("CODE" not in self.__hash) or ("DESCRIPTION" not in self.__hash):
            self._raw = "[RESPONSE]\r\nCODE=423\r\nDESCRIPTION=Invalid API response. Contact Support\r\nEOF\r\n"
            self.__hash = RP.parse(self._raw)

    def getCode(self):
        Returns the API response code as integer
        return int(self.__hash["CODE"])

    def getDescription(self):
        Returns the API response description
        return self.__hash["DESCRIPTION"]

    def getPlain(self):
        Returns the plain API response
        return self._raw

    def getQueuetime(self):
        Get Queuetime of API response as float value
        if "QUEUETIME" in self.__hash:
            return float(self.__hash["QUEUETIME"])
        return 0.00

    def getHash(self):
        Get API response as Hash
        return self.__hash

    def getRuntime(self):
        Get Runtime of API response as float value
        if "RUNTIME" in self.__hash:
            return float(self.__hash["RUNTIME"])
        return 0.00

    def isError(self):
        Check if current API response represents an error case (5xx)
        return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "5"

    def isSuccess(self):
        Check if current API response represents a success case (2xx)
        return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "2"

    def isTmpError(self):
        Check if current API response represents a temporary error case (4xx)
        return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "4"

The ResponseTemplate class is the base class for the Response Class that covers basic functionality to work with Backend API responses.



def getCode(self)
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def getCode(self):
    Returns the API response code as integer
    return int(self.__hash["CODE"])

Returns the API response code as integer

def getDescription(self)
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def getDescription(self):
    Returns the API response description
    return self.__hash["DESCRIPTION"]

Returns the API response description

def getHash(self)
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def getHash(self):
    Get API response as Hash
    return self.__hash

Get API response as Hash

def getPlain(self)
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def getPlain(self):
    Returns the plain API response
    return self._raw

Returns the plain API response

def getQueuetime(self)
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def getQueuetime(self):
    Get Queuetime of API response as float value
    if "QUEUETIME" in self.__hash:
        return float(self.__hash["QUEUETIME"])
    return 0.00

Get Queuetime of API response as float value

def getRuntime(self)
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def getRuntime(self):
    Get Runtime of API response as float value
    if "RUNTIME" in self.__hash:
        return float(self.__hash["RUNTIME"])
    return 0.00

Get Runtime of API response as float value

def isError(self)
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def isError(self):
    Check if current API response represents an error case (5xx)
    return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "5"

Check if current API response represents an error case (5xx)

def isSuccess(self)
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def isSuccess(self):
    Check if current API response represents a success case (2xx)
    return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "2"

Check if current API response represents a success case (2xx)

def isTmpError(self)
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def isTmpError(self):
    Check if current API response represents a temporary error case (4xx)
    return self.__hash["CODE"][0] == "4"

Check if current API response represents a temporary error case (4xx)